Thursday, 26 December 2013

Samuel Koranteng Pipim: Utter the words Happy New Year with a Special Edge this New Year

Countdown of New Year 2014 has begun and everyone is already getting prepared for welcoming the fresh year. People around the world are waiting eagerly for the New Year with the several of planning and arrangements and also to welcome fresh opportunity and approach for the entire year.

A happening is year is coming to an end. The onset of winter reminds all to start the preparations to welcome yet another year full of surprises. Plans have been made for the celebration and relevant actions are in the pipeline too. One can surely foresee the frame of merriment and enjoyment carried away on the night to initiate the New Year. It is generally during these festival times when we get to meet our relatives or the extended family members whom we do not get to meet very often. All the family members living across the whole country or abroad wait eagerly for this day to give a warm welcome to the forthcoming year rejoicing together.

This year has come with new offerings, challenges, opportunities, ideas and new concepts to change the entity of ones self. This is the only time to give up with the bad ideas and develop contemporary styles and ideas. We always take new resolutions in the New Year to put in to habits those resolutions in our entire life.

Samuel Koranteng Pipim: Through his ministry of writing, speaking, and teaching, Dr. Pipim seeks to promote excellence, integrity, and authentic biblical spirituality. 

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